Call us on 04 472 6849
Wellington's Capital Denture Clinic has become synonymous with providing the very best in denture care and quality. Our warm and inviting environment located in Wellington CBD, we focus on personal, one-on-one care. Fulfilling each patient's needs and desires.
Capital Denture Clinic offers a wide variety of denture related services and products. Whether you are considering your first dentures, partial dentures or you need repairs or replacement of existing dentures, we can help you get the best possible dental solution for your situation.
Our patients tell us their confidence has been restored due to our professional approach, caring attitude, and attention to detail. We look forward to meeting you soon and beginning your journey toward a new smile.
Registered dental technicians, providing our patients with quality dental care for over 30 years.

Paul Burgess
Clinical Dental Technician
Professional advice
Clinical dental technicians can advise on dentures for patients and may be able to help them have a better understanding of a dentures capabilities and life span. These may vary from patient to patient. They may/can also suggest other treatments which the patient can get from their/a dentist.
Full dentures
Full dentures are able to be made directly by the clinical technician providing there are no natural teeth left in the jaw/s. If a patient has no upper natural teeth left they can have a full denture made for them against their lower remaining teeth or the other way around. They can also have dentures made for both jaws.
Partial dentures
Partial dentures can be acrylic or metal framed subject to condition of natural teeth. Also, the patient needs a referral or OHC (Oral Health Certificate) signed by their dentist.
As a denture is used it wears out and the gums will continually shrink even after healing has occurred, therefore patients need to be aware of this as after a period of time, their dentures will need replacing.
Denture repairs
Dentures may break for various reasons and most times can be repaired. If a denture breaks or cracks it may be an indication that it needs renovating, e.g. relining/refitting.
A healthy life begins with a healthy smile!
Call us on 04 472 6849
Fax: 04 472 2632
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday - 9am - 5pm
Suite 621 - Level 6, Harbour City Tower
29 Brandon Street, Wellington 6011